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Aptos Keyless Integration Guide

Keyless Account Scoping

Use of the Aptos Keyless Integration Guide will allow for the integration of keyless accounts directly into your application. This means that blockchain accounts are scoped to your application’s domain (logging in with your Google account on dApp A and logging in with your Google account on dApp B will create separate accounts). Stay tuned for more to come on Aptos’ plan to allow Keyless accounts to be used portably across applications.

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At a high level, there are three steps to follow in order to integrate Keyless Accounts.

  1. Configure your OpenID integration with your IdP. In this step, the dApp will register with the IdP of choice (e.g. Google) and receive a client_id
  2. Install the Aptos TypeScript SDK.
  3. Integrate Keyless Account support in your application client
    1. Set up the "Sign In with [Idp]" flow for your user.
    2. Instantiate the user’s KeylessAccount
    3. Sign and submit transactions via the KeylessAccount.

Example Implementaion

You can find an example app demonstrating basic Keyless integration with Google in the aptos-keyless-example repository. Follow the directions in the README to start with the example. For more detailed instructions on keyless, please read the rest of this integration guide.

Step 1. Configure your OpenID integration with your IdP

The first step is to setup the configuration with your IdP(s).

Follow the intructions here

Step 2. Install the Aptos TypeScript SDK

# Keyless is supported in version 1.18.1 and above
pnpm install @aptos-labs/ts-sdk

Step 3. Client Integration Steps

Below are the default steps for a client to integrate Keyless Accounts

1. Present the user with a “Sign In with [IdP]” button on the UI

  1. In the background, we create an ephemeral key pair. Store this in local storage.

    import {EphemeralKeyPair} from '@aptos-labs/ts-sdk';
    const ephemeralKeyPair = EphemeralKeyPair.generate();
  2. Save the EphemeralKeyPair in local storage, keyed by its nonce.

    // This saves the EphemeralKeyPair in local storage
Example implementation for storeEphemeralKeyPair

This implementation is an example of how to store the EphemeralKeyPair in local storage. Different implementations may be used according to your application’s needs.

 * Store the ephemeral key pair in localStorage.
export const storeEphemeralKeyPair = (ekp: EphemeralKeyPair): void =>
  localStorage.setItem("@aptos/ekp", encodeEphemeralKeyPair(ekp));
 * Retrieve the ephemeral key pair from localStorage if it exists.
export const getLocalEphemeralKeyPair = (): EphemeralKeyPair | undefined => {
  try {
    const encodedEkp = localStorage.getItem("@aptos/ekp");
    return encodedEkp ? decodeEphemeralKeyPair(encodedEkp) : undefined;
  } catch (error) {
      "Failed to decode ephemeral key pair from localStorage",
    return undefined;
 * Stringify the ephemeral key pairs to be stored in localStorage
export const encodeEphemeralKeyPair = (ekp: EphemeralKeyPair): string =>
  JSON.stringify(ekp, (_, e) => {
    if (typeof e === "bigint") return { __type: "bigint", value: e.toString() };
    if (e instanceof Uint8Array)
      return { __type: "Uint8Array", value: Array.from(e) };
    if (e instanceof EphemeralKeyPair)
      return { __type: "EphemeralKeyPair", data: e.bcsToBytes() };
    return e;
 * Parse the ephemeral key pairs from a string
export const decodeEphemeralKeyPair = (encodedEkp: string): EphemeralKeyPair =>
  JSON.parse(encodedEkp, (_, e) => {
    if (e && e.__type === "bigint") return BigInt(e.value);
    if (e && e.__type === "Uint8Array") return new Uint8Array(e.value);
    if (e && e.__type === "EphemeralKeyPair")
      return EphemeralKeyPair.fromBytes(;
    return e;
  1. Prepare the URL params of the login URL. Set the redirect_uri and client_id to your configured values with the IdP. Set the nonce to the nonce of the EphemeralKeyPair from step 1.1.

    const redirectUri = 'https://.../login/callback'
    const clientId = env.IDP_CLIENT_ID
    // Get the nonce associated with ephemeralKeyPair
    const nonce = ephemeralKeyPair.nonce
  2. Construct the login URL for the user to authenticate with the IdP. Make sure the openid scope is set. Other scopes such as email and profile can be set based on your app’s needs.

    const loginUrl = `${nonce}&redirect_uri=${redirectUri}&client_id=${clientId}`
  3. When the user clicks the login button, redirect the user to the loginUrl that was created in step 1.4.

2. Handle the callback by parsing the token and create a Keyless account for the user

  1. Once the user completes the login flow, they will be redirected to the redirect_uri set in step 1. The JWT will be set in the URL as a search parameter in a URL fragment, keyed by id_token. Extract the JWT from the window by doing the following:

    const parseJWTFromURL = (url: string): string | null => {
      const urlObject = new URL(url);
      const fragment = urlObject.hash.substring(1);
      const params = new URLSearchParams(fragment);
      return params.get('id_token');
    // window.location.href = https://.../login/google/callback#id_token=...
    const jwt = parseJWTFromURL(window.location.href)
  2. Decode the JWT and get the extract the nonce value from the payload.

    import { jwtDecode } from 'jwt-decode';
    const payload = jwtDecode<{ nonce: string }>(jwt);
    const jwtNonce = payload.nonce
  3. Fetch the EphemeralKeyPair stored in step 1.2. Make sure to validate the nonce matches the decoded nonce and that the EphemeralKeyPair is not expired.

    const ekp = getLocalEphemeralKeyPair();
    // Validate the EphemeralKeyPair
    if (!ekp || ekp.nonce !== jwtNonce || ekp.isExpired() ) {
      throw new Error("Ephemeral key pair not found or expired");
  4. Instantiate the user’s KeylessAccount

    Depending on the type of Keyless you are using, follow the instructions below:

    1. Normal Keyless
    import {Aptos, AptosConfig, Network} from '@aptos-labs/ts-sdk';
    const aptos = new Aptos(new AptosConfig({ network: Network.DEVNET })); // Configure your network here
    const keylessAccount = await aptos.deriveKeylessAccount({
    1. Federated Keyless
    import {Aptos, AptosConfig, Network} from '@aptos-labs/ts-sdk';
    const aptos = new Aptos(new AptosConfig({ network: Network.DEVNET })); // Configure your network here
    const keylessAccount = await aptos.deriveKeylessAccount({
        jwkAddress: jwkOwner.accountAddress

3. Store the KeylessAccount in local storage (Optional)

  1. After the account has been derived, store the KeylessAccount in local storage. This allows the user to return to the application without having to re-authenticate.

    export const storeKeylessAccount = (account: KeylessAccount): void =>
      localStorage.setItem("@aptos/account", encodeKeylessAccount(account));
    export const encodeKeylessAccount = (account: KeylessAccount): string =>
      JSON.stringify(account, (_, e) => {
        if (typeof e === "bigint") return { __type: "bigint", value: e.toString() };
        if (e instanceof Uint8Array)
          return { __type: "Uint8Array", value: Array.from(e) };
        if (e instanceof KeylessAccount)
          return { __type: "KeylessAccount", data: e.bcsToBytes() };
        return e;
  2. Whenever the user returns back to the application, retrieve the KeylessAccount from local storage and use it to sign transactions.

    export const getLocalKeylessAccount = (): KeylessAccount | undefined => {
      try {
        const encodedAccount = localStorage.getItem("@aptos/account");
        return encodedAccount ? decodeKeylessAccount(encodedAccount) : undefined;
      } catch (error) {
          "Failed to decode account from localStorage",
        return undefined;
    export const decodeKeylessAccount = (encodedAccount: string): KeylessAccount =>
      JSON.parse(encodedAccount, (_, e) => {
        if (e && e.__type === "bigint") return BigInt(e.value);
        if (e && e.__type === "Uint8Array") return new Uint8Array(e.value);
        if (e && e.__type === "KeylessAccount")
          return KeylessAccount.fromBytes(;
        return e;

4. Submit transactions to the Aptos blockchain

  1. Create the transaction you want to submit. Below is a simple coin transfer transaction for example:

    import {Account} from '@aptos-labs/ts-sdk';
    const bob = Account.generate();
    const transaction = await aptos.transferCoinTransaction({
        sender: keylessAccount.accountAddress,
        recipient: bob.accountAddress,
        amount: 100,
  2. Sign and submit the transaction to the chain.

    const committedTxn = await aptos.signAndSubmitTransaction({ signer: keylessAccount, transaction });
  3. Wait for the transaction to be processed on-chain

    const committedTransactionResponse = await aptos.waitForTransaction({ transactionHash: committedTxn.hash });