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Federated Keyless Integration Guide

Step 1. Setup your IAM provider

Set up your project with your IAM to match the account structure you are looking for.

Step 2. Register the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) on-chain

Federated Keyless accounts require the JWKS to be registered on-chain.

To register the JWKS - call the 0x1::jwks::update_federated_jwk_set entry function with an Aptos account that will store the JWKs that will be used to validate transactions signed by federated keyless accounts.


Losing access to the JWK owner account compromises the Federated Keyless accounts created with it

The JWK owner account is the only account that can update the JWKS. If you lose access to the JWK owner account, you will not be able to update the JWKS and the Federated Keyless accounts created with it will stop working in the case of a key rotation. Users will be unable to validate their JWT tokens as they will be signed with the new key whos public key is not registered on the Aptos blockchain.

The JWK set can be found as follows -

AWS Cognito - https://cognito-idp.<region><userPoolId>/.well-known/jwks.json Auth0 - https://<yourDomain>/.well-known/jwks.json

The typescript SDK contains functionality to simplify the process given the issuer for your IAM provider setup (the iss claim value on your user’s JWT tokens) and an account to use to make the update.

import {Aptos} from '@aptos-labs/ts-sdk'; // Requires version v1.29.1 or later
const aptos = new Aptos(new AptosConfig({ network: Network.DEVNET })); // Configure your network here
const alice = // Derive your Aptos account here
const jwkTxn = await aptos.updateFederatedKeylessJwkSetTransaction({ sender: alice, iss });
await aptos.signAndSubmitTransaction({ signer: alice, transaction: jwkTxn });

You can use the interactive example provided by the SDK to easily register the JWKS for your IAM provider in devnet or testnet. This will setup the JWK owner account with a Google Keyless account.

git clone
cd aptos-ts-sdk
pnpm install && pnpm build
cd examples/typescript
pnpm install
pnpm jwk_update

To setup the JWK owner account in mainnet, you will need create an account and use it to register the JWKS.

Save the address of the account you used to register the JWKS as you will need it for the next step.

To learn more about the 0x1::jwks::update_federated_jwk_set entry function, see the reference documentation.


Handling key roations

Whenever there is a key rotation of the JWKS, it is important to update the JWKS registered on chain promptly to avoid any loss of access to Federated Keyless accounts. See here for more info.

Step 3. Follow the Aptos Keyless integration guide

Now that you have registered the JWKS, you can follow the Aptos Keyless integration guide starting from step 2. Be sure to set the jwkAddress to the address of the account you used to register the JWKS when deriving the KeylessAccount.

Aptos Keyless Integration Guide - Step 2