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Ensure that your CLI is up to date before compiling.

aptos move compile

Once you have a package set up, you can compile your Move code by doing:

aptos move compile

If run successfully, you should receive a Terminal output like so

  "Result": [

Unpacking Build

Compiled Move packages contain a folder structure that resembles the one below.

            • module_name.mvsm
              • module_name.move
            • BuildInfo.yaml
            • module_name.move
            • Move.toml
            • bytecode_modules

              The bytecode modules folder contains the compiled Move bytecode for your module(s) (such as To learn more about the bytecode and its security features, see why move?


              The source maps folder contains source maps (such as module_name.mvsm) which allow users to map the compiled bytecode back to the source code and relevant dependencies.